Sunday, 25 January 2015

5 Reasons why eating healthy is something you can do


1) Save money
We know you’ve heard a lot of people say that eating healthy is expensive. But guess what, eating out at the university food court is way tougher on you wallet. Being a student means living on a budget, and since your OSAP loans will only take you so far, why not save money AND eat healthy!

2) Time efficient recipes

Think cooking is time consuming? Think again, not all meals have to be banquets. We can show you lots of fast and easy to make recipes that will have your food ready well before you make the trek to a campus foodcourt. Plus it’s a long cold walk, use the extra time to catch up on your social media from the comfort of your warm room.

3) Cooking is easy!
There are tons of easy to prepare recipes that don’t require you to have Martha Stewart genes. You CAN do it! Stay tuned to our blog and let us teach you along the way. You’re gonna have to learn to cook at some point in time, why not start now?

4) Your grades depend on it
Being a University student means loads of learning everyday. It wont take long for your to feel brain drain. Good nutrition improves your ability to focus and concentrate. That means that you’ll actually study smarter and get more out of class.

 5) You have us to help you along the way

It seem overwhelming to have to think about healthy eating when you already have a million other things to worry about. Don't sweat it, you have us to help you along the way. We'll help you with recipes, tips, shopping deals, challenges and motivate you along the way

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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