You’ve been
thinking about eating healthy, I know it because otherwise you wouldn’t be here
reading this blog. Eating healthy is a lifestyle that we know is good for us
but it’s so hard to get motivated sometimes. LISTEN UP motivation won’t come to
you by simply waiting around long enough. The sky isn’t going to open up and
pour a dose of motivation over you. It will not magically appear just because
you need it. You have to dig deep within you and pull it out. You have to
wrestle away excuses and find desire, I know you have it in you, we all do!
Motivation craves
to be chased. It requires you to make an active choice to pursue and tackle it.
Then you must stay the course and impose your will on it. It’s hard at first
but overtime eating healthy will become part of your lifestyle.
Lifestyle seems too
far away right now, I get it. So lets find ways to take small steps and start
with a plan of attack. Set goals
that are specific and accomplishable (check out our previous blog on SMART
goals) and talk to yourself in proactive terms. Rather than making sure that
you do NOT do some thing, tell yourself what you WILL do. For example, tell
yourself that you will eat fruits rather than that you cannot eat fries. Then write it down. Cement what you want to
accomplish in visible words and put this somewhere you can see it daily to
remind you of your commitment to yourself.
Go ahead and celebrate your small wins. No matter
how tiny it might seem, it is al a part of the bigger picture and you deserve
to be celebrated. Get excited, be in
the right frame of mind, think positive and allow yourself to smile.

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